My original name was Tre_Belle69.
What I was thinking at the time I'm not sure. I just know it translates to "Very Beautiful" (I swear, I'm not up myself) in a different language. The 69 bit... Well, I guess I thought I was cool or something.
DrangedBunny - I left out the "e" in Deranged because the name was too long. Pretty much I thought it was funny to be a deranged fluffy animal. It works for now.
As I was out of names to take, I went back to my original. It had numbers in it and soon enough I started a chain reaction, making like 10+ people change names to something with "Balmung". I was The Balmung.
After this troll I needed a new name ofcourse, so I started browsing through my music folders and came across this word. Wiki'd it and was like "o cool". Hoodoo it is.
My current RSN, Gladz, was created because of the clan I'm in. (The Gladiatorz)
Im not sure how I came up with my original 'Oak Smith'... But my current one is I R Questrr, which I got from completing all quests, and had a mate named I R 456. So kinda stole it off him.
Describes my luck in MMORPGS -.-"
My dp is from a rap artist lol.
Dunno, bought my account.
Ikke means me in dutch, my name is vincent...
I changed it to rawr_vince one time, because 20+friends did it aswell. Then i changed back to ikkevincent, and later changed my name to se_vince, now im staying with ikkevincent for a while.