2010-10-17 08:03:03
I like this topic :p I created Humrunking the night after I played baseball with my cousins in Connecticut. I was sluggin that ball like crazy that day, I remember just hitting that ball out the field twice that game and the other times I've hit it quite deep, so my cousins kept calling me all these names that day, saying I'm 'not human', 'related to Barry Bonds,' 'beast' and one of my cousins called me a "homerun king." I just chuckled when I heard all these names hah so that night, it struck me that I should create a RS account and call it Homerunking. I tried this, but it was already taken. I was saddened I couldn't get that name, but I inspected the name a bit closer and tried out Humrunking, and it went through I can't be anymore happier with my name now :]