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Jakey Here. - Printable Version

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Jakey Here. - Jakey - 2011-01-21

Runescape Name: iJake
Real-life name/nickname: Jake, Jakey Biggrin. Whichever workkks <3.
Age: 16.
Country: Michigan, Usa.
Describe yourself in one word: Insecure. Lmao.

What got you started playing Runescape?: An old friend of mind.
Favorite Movie(s): Dear John, Wont lie that was an amazing movie smile.
Occupation: Student, 11th Grader in high school.
Other language(s): English only im not that skilled ;].
Im Pro (: ? I cant think of any hobbies or talents. Lololol. ;]

I hope to meet some amazing people here (: <3

RE: Jakey Here. - Nicholas - 2011-01-21

Welcome to Surreal Jakey, hope you like it here. smile

RE: Jakey Here. - Fear - 2011-01-21

Welcome to Surreal Jake! =]

RE: Jakey Here. - Lilbod - 2011-01-21

Welcome to Surreal, hope you enjoy your stay. smile

RE: Jakey Here. - Sam - 2011-01-21

One of my fav ppl on rs<3 Jakey

RE: Jakey Here. - Jason - 2011-01-21

welcome, pm me if u need anything.

RE: Jakey Here. - Jakey - 2011-01-21

Such a warm welcome <3.

RE: Jakey Here. - Meg - 2011-01-22

I love Dear John, I even made Danny watch it LOL

Welcome to Surreal Jake, hope you enjoy it here Biggrin

RE: Jakey Here. - Jakey - 2011-01-22

Thanks Meg, liking it so far (:

RE: Jakey Here. - Tay - 2011-01-22

Welcome, welcome Jake. Was nice chatting to you briefly yesterday.
It's great to see you're application process went smoothly. Enjoy your time at Surreal! smile