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Hello Surreal - John - 2011-01-23

Runescape Name: Skill Ritual
Real-life name/nickname: John
Age: 17
Country: Portugal
Describe yourself in one word: Curious

What got you started playing Runescape?: My friends told me about it in 7th grade I believe but then after a few months I quit. Then I came back and sticked with it.
Favorite Movie: Too many. I grew up watching movies and that's how I learned english. Now I watch aleast 2 movies a week so I can't only choose one as my favourite.
Occupation: Student
Other language(s): Portuguese, Spanish, French, English.
Hobbies/talents: Swimming is my main sport and I've been doing it since I'm 5. I entered some competitions and got a few medals over the years. I also enjoy learning new languages.

RE: Hello Surreal - Jason - 2011-01-23

welcome, pm me if u need anything.

RE: Hello Surreal - ReturnFate - 2011-01-23

Welcome to Surreal, I'm sure you'll find us worthy of your time Biggrin

RE: Hello Surreal - Jos - 2011-01-23

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hello Surreal - Pitufo - 2011-01-23

Welcome to Surreal!

RE: Hello Surreal - Tay - 2011-01-24

Welcome to Surreal, John. It's great to see you've applied. smile

RE: Hello Surreal - Rarely Lucky - 2011-01-24

Welcome to Surreal,

RE: Hello Surreal - ChangingLane - 2011-01-24

Welcome to Surreal Wink

RE: Hello Surreal - Meg - 2011-01-24

Welcome to surreal John Biggrin if you need anything just ask.

RE: Hello Surreal - Grish - 2011-01-24

Hi John welcome to surreal, what an English name for a Portuguese smile. Hope you like it here.