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Oh hai der. - Printable Version

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Oh hai der. - Mathonamas - 2011-05-03

Runescape Name: Mathonamas
Real-life name/nickname: Cameron, but you can just call me Cam.
Age: 19
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Outgoing-funny-sexy-contagious... that's one word.. right?

What got you started playing Runescape?: Uhm.. some guy back in fifth grade introduced it to me. Been playing on and off since 03'.
Favorite Movie: Boondock Saints
Occupation: Software Developer for the game "America's Army"
Other language(s): Expert in Pig Latin
Hobbies/talents: Guitars, women, and stand-up. (I get around Wink)

RE: Oh hai der. - Lilbod - 2011-05-03

Hello Cameron, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: Oh hai der. - old_jon - 2011-05-03

Hello Cam!

*hides away wifey*

You sound like quite the charmer! Biggrin

Welcome and enjoy. This clan has a lot to offer you. Grin

RE: Oh hai der. - Clifford - 2011-05-03

Hello and welcome to surreal smile Hope to see and speak to you in game Biggrin

RE: Oh hai der. - Shay - 2011-05-04

Hey Cam, welcome to Surreal! I'm known as Kam on a different game, so this is interesting, haha.

Very nice runecrafting level, by the way. Good luck with your application!

RE: Oh hai der. - Meg - 2011-05-04

ow-hay re-ay ou-yay? ig-pay atin-lay ocks-ray! :p

Welcome to Surreal Cam, hope you enjoy your time here, if you need help or anything feel free to ask Biggrin

RE: Oh hai der. - Z28Man - 2011-05-04

Welcome, you'll really like it here smile

RE: Oh hai der. - Crow - 2011-05-04

[Image: anteater.jpg]

RE: Oh hai der. - Frosty - 2011-05-04

Welcome to Surreal, Cam smile

RE: Oh hai der. - Smith - 2011-05-04

Hi cam, welcome to the family!