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Introducing Myself! - Printable Version

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Introducing Myself! - Wonton Soup - 2011-05-30

Runescape Name: Wonton Soup

Real-life name/nickname: Leo

Age: 17

Country: United States

Describe yourself in one word: uhh

What got you started playing Runescape?: A group of friends way back had wanted me to join

Favorite Movie: Not too sure, but the action or comedy genres seem to be my favorite

Occupation: High School senior graduating to study for an English Degree

Other language(s): Not much other than a tad bit of Spanish

Hobbies/talents: I ran cross country in high school, I like to play some Xbox occasionally, I like music.. a lot

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Hey there Surreal!
I realize that without a sig and avatar this post will look quite unattractive and I'll get right on to making one tomorrow lol. I've actually been playing RS for a good 5 years close to being 6, but I've never really been serious about the game, thus not having the greatest overall level. However, I have been highly considering becoming a bit more serious about the game and wished to become a part of a community. I was told of this place by a friend and decided to introduce myself and give it a shot. So... how's it going?

RE: Introducing Myself! - Meg - 2011-05-30

Hiya Leo and welcome to Surreal, we're a friendly and relaxed clan and I'm sure you'll enjoy it here, if there is anything you need help with feel free to ask smile

RE: Introducing Myself! - Downfall - 2011-05-30

Hey Leo, thanks for giving us a look. Welcome to Surreal <3 And in answer to your question, things are good, how are you? Tongue

As Meg said, we're a relaxed place so you will have a great time here smile Let us know if you need anything or have any questions (You can't PM as a rankless member, but you can ask in this topic, so feel free smile)

RE: Introducing Myself! - Frosty - 2011-05-30

Welcome to the forums mate, good to see another music lover smile

RE: Introducing Myself! - Wonton Soup - 2011-05-30

(2011-05-30 09:18:18)Meg Wrote:  Hiya Leo and welcome to Surreal, we're a friendly and relaxed clan and I'm sure you'll enjoy it here, if there is anything you need help with feel free to ask smile

(2011-05-30 09:31:56)Downfall Wrote:  Hey Leo, thanks for giving us a look. Welcome to Surreal <3 And in answer to your question, things are good, how are you? Tongue

As Meg said, we're a relaxed place so you will have a great time here smile Let us know if you need anything or have any questions (You can't PM as a rankless member, but you can ask in this topic, so feel free smile)

Hehe, you guys all seem pretty friendly! Thanks for the welcome!
I'm... actually pretty sleepy right now and heading to bed haha.

(2011-05-30 09:33:03)Frosty Wrote:  Welcome to the forums mate, good to see another music lover smile

Right back at ya. What do you happen to listen to?

RE: Introducing Myself! - Danny - 2011-05-30

Welcome to the Forums Leo. smile
Hope you enjoy your stay here with us!

RE: Introducing Myself! - Shay - 2011-05-30

Welcome to our forums, Leo! Kick back, relax, and enjoy your stay. Let us know if you need anything!

RE: Introducing Myself! - Smith - 2011-05-30

Hi Leo

Dont stress about nice signatures etc. Mine is the worst and I have it ever since. Just have fun Biggrin

RE: Introducing Myself! - Clifford - 2011-05-30

Welcome to the forums Biggrin I hope you don't burn it down .. that would be bad ...

RE: Introducing Myself! - xAndrew - 2011-05-30

Welcome to the forums of infinite knowledge, Leo.
