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Hello - deckard - 2011-07-07

Runescape Name: Kivandien
Real-life name/nickname: Chris
Age: 37
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Sportygeek

What got you started playing Runescape?: Missed the old days of AD&D
Favorite Movie: Empire strikes back
Occupation: Engineer
Other language(s): Some Spanish
Hobbies/talents: Volleyball, running, chess, drawing

Hi all,
I spend as much time thinking about how to do stuff in RS as playing, not as much a grinder as an expert dabbler. smile

RE: Hello - Mikuri - 2011-07-07

Welcome Chris smile!
Hope, you'll have fun playing with us!

RE: Hello - Witch - 2011-07-07

Welcome Chris! smile

RE: Hello - old_jon - 2011-07-07

Another Chris! Welcome! We have some great "Chris's" in our clan and no doubt you'll be yet another one. Grin

"Sportygeek" - sounds like my planned life if and when I win the lottery; gymnasium and computer games. Good

RE: Hello - Crow - 2011-07-07

[Image: tumblr_llg9cq5CKJ1qj2ilho1_500.gif]

RE: Hello - AlchemyHawk - 2011-07-07

Haha sportygeek, sounds just like me. Lol
Welcome to the clan Chris! Biggrin

RE: Hello - Ryan - 2011-07-07

Welcome To the Forums Chris Biggrin

RE: Hello - Meg - 2011-07-08

Welcome to Surreal Chris, I love star wars Wub hope you enjoy your time here and if you need any help feel free to ask Biggrin

RE: Hello - S15 - 2011-07-08

Welcome to the clan Chris! Enjoy your stay and don't hesitate to ask any questions if you need it.

RE: Hello - Shay - 2011-07-08

Welcome to Surreal, Chris! Looking forward to getting to know you, you seem like a pretty cool dude. ^_^