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Helloo - Printable Version

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Helloo - julianr - 2011-07-08

Runescape Name:Chief Rage
Real-life name/nickname:Julian
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Egotistical

What got you started playing Runescape?: My little bro back in 05
Favorite Movie: Don't think I have one, most recent is Transformers though.
Occupation: Kohls- College student
Other language(s):Spanish Chinese
Hobbies/talents:Sport and Girls To_keep_order

RE: Helloo - AlchemyHawk - 2011-07-08

Welcome to Surreal Julian! smile
Chinese, English and Spanish? Wow that is awesome that you can speak so many languages, I am jealous.

RE: Helloo - S15 - 2011-07-08

Welcome Julian! Enjoy your stay, you'll love it here!

RE: Helloo - Shay - 2011-07-08

Welcome to Surreal, Julian! I agree with Micah, I think it's pretty awesome that you can speak three languages, unless Spanish Chinese is actually a language all on its own. XD I kid, I kid! Make yourself at home, and please ask if you need anything.

RE: Helloo - Evaluate - 2011-07-08

Saw you in the chat earlier, glad to see you make an intro. Welcome and enjoy your stay! smile

RE: Helloo - Crow - 2011-07-08

[Image: tumblr_llg9cq5CKJ1qj2ilho1_500.gif]

RE: Helloo - Witch - 2011-07-08

Welcome! smile

RE: Helloo - Stev3 - 2011-07-08

Welcome to Surreal!

RE: Helloo - Ryan - 2011-07-08

Hey Julian,

Welcome to the forums smile

RE: Helloo - Jos - 2011-07-08

Welcome to Surreal smile