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M8 - Magnus - 2011-07-29

Runescape Name: M8_Magnus
Real-life name/nickname: Magnus duh
Age: 15
Country: Denmark
Describe yourself in one word: ownage

What got you started playing Runescape?: Started in 04 or 05, can't remember, when my neighbor helped me through tutorial island, then i died to a guard in lumbridge and lost my axe + tinderbox and quit for a week.. but then me and a friend made X Tm X5 and a legend was born (dsn is M8 Magnus)
Favorite Movie: I Am Legend/How High/Kickin' It Old Skool
Occupation: Studying, working at the library LOL easy cash
Other language(s): Danish, a little German
Hobbies/talents: I skate, snowboard on a higher level, ski on the lowest level (even though I want to learn), always been an outside guy.
Also, I drink and smoke.
My RS history:
tl; dr: was a noob until 2007, been in DoE and DB and Rj, also never was kicked from any clan.

RE: M8 - Stev3 - 2011-07-29

Hello Magnus, I am friends with Dudricky (who all DB seem to hate), but haters gunna hate. I was in RJ during September of last year as a trial member before it closed <.<

RE: M8 - l Zephyr l - 2011-07-29

Forgotten Templars #1 P2P

RE: M8 - Evaluate - 2011-07-29

Nice history, welcome to Surreal. Enjoy your stay smile

RE: M8 - old_jon - 2011-07-29

Welcome Magnus (*thinks of a powerful mage*), hope you like ti here.

We have a great clan in my humble opinion so you're bound to like it here.

"I am legend" still goves me nightmares. Shok

RE: M8 - Fear - 2011-07-29

(2011-07-29 03:30:00)old_jon Wrote:  Welcome Magnus (*thinks of a powerful mage*), hope you like ti here.

We have a great clan in my humble opinion so you're bound to like it here.

"I am legend" still goves me nightmares. Shok

Nightmares? Haha, bless you Jon. Tongue

Welcome to Surreal, Magnus. I'm sure you'll love it here. smile

RE: M8 - AlchemyHawk - 2011-07-29

Welcome to Surreal Magnus! Biggrin

I am Legend is the scariest movie I have ever seen. Shok So I can understand how Jon feels. Yeah you guessed it...I hate scary movies. >.< It probably didnt help I was watching it at like 1AM though.

RE: M8 - Crow - 2011-07-29

[Image: tumblr_llg9cq5CKJ1qj2ilho1_500.gif]

RE: M8 - Witch - 2011-07-29

Welcome Magnus! smile

RE: M8 - Downfall - 2011-07-29

Welcome to Surreal, Magnus smile Sorry about your issue with registration earlier, hope you have a nice stay here!