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Tony's Introduction! - Printable Version

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Tony's Introduction! - TheLolPie - 2012-05-28

Runescape Name: ITheLolPie
Real-life name/nickname: Tony - TheLolPie has been my internet ingame name for a while now.
Age: 15 years old.
Country: United States (Born in Mexico)
Describe yourself in one word: Unusual

What made you start playing runescape: One day I was on the Minigames website and Runescape was a futured MMPORG to play, and I clicked on it and began the adventure!
Favorite Movie: It would have to be... Ace Ventura : When Nature Calls.
Occupation: I am unemployed which is usually the case for teenagers. Wink
Other language(s): Spanish, French, and Japanese
Hobbies/talents: A talent I'm proud of is my 110 WPM typing. I play Soccer, Basketball, and I'm a great FPS Shooter gamer.

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Bowlinmaster - 2012-05-28

Welcome again. Let us know if you have any question Wink

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Downfall - 2012-05-28

Welcome to Surreal, Tony. Have a great stay and be sure to let us know if we can be of any assistance smile

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Evaluate - 2012-05-28

Welcome to Surreal, Tony! Enjoy your stay and don't be shy if you have any questions! smile

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Zooperman - 2012-05-28

Welcome to surreal!

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Witch - 2012-05-28

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Elrydith - 2012-05-28

Welcome, nice to meet you, Tony and enjoy your stay smile

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Jovan - 2012-05-28

Welcome to Surreal bro, hope you enjoy yourself smile

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Wader - 2012-05-29

Welcome to Surreal, Enjoy your time here smile

RE: Tony's Introduction! - Portus - 2012-05-31

That's a lotta languages, impressive Wink