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Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Printable Version

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Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Jsparks - 2012-05-31

Runescape Name: Sandy Jaguar
Real-life name/nickname: Josh
Age: 18
Country: England
Describe yourself in one word: Odd

What made you start playing runescape: Two friends talking about it when i was 11 years old, sayign something about ogres? Lol
Favorite Movie: Not sure, i like action/adventures though!smile
Occupation: Employee at Mcdonalds! ;L
Other language(s): Only english im afraid, i know a little french and thailandish? :s
Hobbies/talents: I enjoy playing online games and my talents are i work hard and im good at fifa on the xbox! smile

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Jay - 2012-05-31

Welcome ^^^^

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Jsparks - 2012-05-31

Cheers smile Nice to meet you, talking to you in IRC nowsmile

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Evaluate - 2012-05-31

Welcome to Surreal, Josh, enjoy your stay and let us know if there's anything you need help with! smile

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Bowlinmaster - 2012-05-31

Welcome smile

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Jsparks - 2012-05-31

Thanks, i will do! Well it says applications are closed right now, but i thought id come and get to know everyone better first before applying!smile

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Whiskey - 2012-05-31

Welcome to the Surreal boards! I'm not sure whether or not you're a provisional or not but if you are welcome to the clan as well Josh! It is always nice to have another oddball around.

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Jsparks - 2012-05-31

Paahhah im not provisional yet, apps are closed! so im just getting friendly with everyone firstsmile

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Elrydith - 2012-05-31

Welcome to Surreal, Josh smile

RE: Sandy Jaguar/Josh's Intro! - Portus - 2012-05-31

Free big macs plz