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Reaping. Your children. - Printable Version

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Reaping. Your children. - Reaping - 2012-07-25

Ello Surreal. smile

I'm Reaping, or Stephen, or whatever.
I've been playing RS since 06, on and off. I guess I've always considered myself a skiller. This game was pretty much made for it Wink (and Slayer).
I'm an ex-leader of Skill Union, ex-leader of Total Skills, and ex-member of Spirits of Arianwyn, so I've had my fair share of clanning.

Out of Roonscape, my name is Stephen, I live in the states, and enjoy music, violin, guitar, filmography, photography, and astronomy.

I would just like to compliment the website design and layout, it's one of the best I've seen. smile

I look forward to meeting you all!

RE: Reaping. Your children. - Nick - 2012-07-25

RE: Reaping. Your children. - Clifford - 2012-07-25

Welcome to the forums buddy! Hope you enjoy your stay here in Surreal!

RE: Reaping. Your children. - Joeym4692 - 2012-07-25

Welcome! Hope you have fun here and enjoy your stay!

RE: Reaping. Your children. - Jos - 2012-07-25

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Reaping. Your children. - Witch - 2012-07-25

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Reaping. Your children. - South gal79 - 2012-07-25

Hey hope to see you in CC smile we also use IRC and teamspeak. nice intro.

RE: Reaping. Your children. - Evaluate - 2012-07-25

Welcome to Surreal, Stephen! You've got some very diverse interests there, that's good to see smile

Enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any questions.

RE: Reaping. Your children. - Reaping - 2012-07-25

Thanks for the warm welcome guys. smile

And glad to see someone else is interested in the wonders of space, Nick.

RE: Reaping. Your children. - RickySwift - 2012-07-26

Welcome! Taking Astronomy next semester so maybe if you stick around you can give me answers Tongue Hope you enjoy the forums!