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HI - Harry2k13 - 2013-08-13

Runescape Name: Jackassrules
Real-life name/nickname: Harry
Age: 16
Country: England
Describe yourself in one word: Quirky

What made you start playing runescape: My friends told me about it
Favorite Movie: Now you see me (so far)
Occupation: High school
Other language(s): A bit of French, German, and Chines
Hobbies/talents: Rugby

RE: HI - Bowlinmaster - 2013-08-13

Hey there Harry welcome to the forums!

RE: HI - Killians - 2013-08-13

Hows it going Harry.
Wondering if you would consider a name change if you do chose to stay with us.

RE: HI - Harry2k13 - 2013-08-13

(2013-08-13 18:11:47)Killians Red Wrote:  Hows it going Harry.
Wondering if you would consider a name change if you do chose to stay with us.


RE: HI - Wader - 2013-08-13

Welcome to Surreal, Harry smile

(2013-08-13 18:11:47)Killians Red Wrote:  Hows it going Harry.
Wondering if you would consider a name change if you do chose to stay with us.

But but but Jackass do rule.

RE: HI - Evaluate - 2013-08-13

Welcome to Surreal, Harry! I prefer Wild Boys myself, but to each their own smile

RE: HI - Harry2k13 - 2013-08-13

(2013-08-13 19:38:28)Evaluate Wrote:  Welcome to Surreal, Harry! I prefer Wild Boys myself, but to each their own smile
never seen it but ill have to at some point and ty

RE: HI - Liz - 2013-08-13

Welcome, Jackass! lol smile

RE: HI - Angus - 2013-08-14

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: HI - Tay - 2013-08-14

Welcome! Jackass does indeed, rule. Wink