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Hello - Chris J Y - 2013-08-20

Runescape NameLoluna tics
Real-life name/nickname:chris
Describe yourself in one word: Ditzy

What made you start playing runescape: some thing to do on holidays many years ago
Favorite Movie: currently the avengers
Other language(s):Jibberish
Hobbies/talents:i have no talent, though i restore cars with my farther, play mtg and pretty much all PC games

would like to add that a few months ago i was caught botting, i am and will forever be sorry for that, i wish very much that i could undo the past.

RE: Hello - Killians - 2013-08-20

[Image: AITr0Uv.jpg]

RE: Hello - Chris J Y - 2013-08-20

just need to make a ladder out of mud now

RE: Hello - N U M A - 2013-08-20

Hello Luna, welcome back to Surreal i hope to get to know you very well over time.

RE: Hello - old_jon - 2013-08-21

Nice to have you back Chris. Wub

RE: Hello - Shawn - 2013-08-21

glad to have you back chris Wink

RE: Hello - Chris J Y - 2013-08-21

thank you for the welcome, so very glade to be giving a second chance, i promise i wont let you all down.

RE: Hello - Killians - 2013-08-21

Yay, i get my best friend back <3

RE: Hello - Evaluate - 2013-08-22

I'm glad you're back, Chris. I know you'll prove yourself greatly.

RE: Hello - Wader - 2013-08-22

Welcome back Chris <3