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Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Printable Version

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Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Col ton - 2013-10-10

Runescape Name: 101duck1
Real-life name/nickname: Colton
Age: 19
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Dedicated

What made you start playing runescape: Back in 2004, my cousin introduced me to it. He quit soon after, but even I (after a break from 2008-2012) have come back to the game I love!
Favorite Movie: Braveheart (Freeeedom!)
Occupation: College Student
Other language(s): none (I took three years of Spanish in high school Umnik2 )
Hobbies/talents: I love working out and I'm currently studying with a major in Food Science! And, of course, I love to get my 'Scape on! Tongue

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Wader - 2013-10-10

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Ava - 2013-10-10

Yay! Welcome smile
Braveheart </3 eek that movie is great but sad!

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Jos - 2013-10-10

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Debs - 2013-10-10

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Angus - 2013-10-10

Welcome to the forums!

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Liz - 2013-10-11

Hello smile

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Col ton - 2013-10-11

Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! I really look forward to being a contributing member to such an awesome clan smile

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Tay - 2013-10-11

Welcome to Surreal, Colton! (y)

RE: Greetings, Citizens of Gielinor! - Jonathan - 2013-10-11

Nice to meet You Colton!! Wink