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Sup :D - Printable Version

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RE: Sup :D - old_jon - 2011-06-20

Wassup, Justin, my homey!?! Biggrin

Welcome to the clan. Nice combat level and skill total you have there! Good

It's funny... when I first saw "PVM" type names come out I was worried it meant "Players Vs Moderators". I'm relieved to see it's Players vs Monsters as your name aptly spells out. Grin

Already seen you around in chat and it's great to have you with us. Enjoy! Grin

RE: Sup :D - PvMonsters - 2011-06-20

Arma/Bandos FTW, sadly I got a new goal ATM to finish all quests... So going to be skilling/questing for few weeks. Feel free to come smith/thieve/herby with me anytime. Biggrin
BTW, sorry took me a while to make an intro. When i'm online nowdays just for small things between work and yardwork at home... But for next month or so should be online more often.

RE: Sup :D - xAndrew - 2011-06-20

Nice to see another PvM fan here Biggrin Welcome Justin

RE: Sup :D - Lexy - 2011-06-20

Welcome, I hope you enjoy your time here Biggrin!!

RE: Sup :D - Frosty - 2011-06-21

Good to see an intro, welcome to Surreal mate smile

RE: Sup :D - Ryan - 2011-06-24

Welcome to Surreal Justin!