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G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - Printable Version

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RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - old_jon - 2011-09-07

Hi Cam. Bye

So you're Aussie and an assistant KFC Manager...?
Show me the free wicked wings!!!!! GoodGoodGoodGoodGood

Welcome to the clan, mate.
Great to have a fellow Aussie join. We shall take over the world! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - BurgandyRS - 2011-09-07

If you're looking for a casual clan, look no further. B]

Enjoy your stay!

RE: G'day. Solid40k 'ere. - Saintttt - 2011-09-13
