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Guide ABYSS GUIDE - Printable Version +- Surreal Forums (https://board.clansurreal.com) +-- Forum: RuneScape (https://board.clansurreal.com/forum-8.html) +--- Forum: RuneScape Discussion (https://board.clansurreal.com/forum-9.html) +--- Thread: Guide ABYSS GUIDE (/thread-10936.html) Pages:
ABYSS GUIDE - Beccah - 2018-02-20 Helloo!! Iris and I have decided to post a guide to training all combat skills at the abyss to help clannies with their dreaded combat skills. The abyss is a safe place in the wildy (only getting there is dangerous) that provides lovely AFK XP-rates in all combat skills. The only thing you really need to do beforehand, is complete the Abyss Miniquest (http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Abyss_(miniquest)). Feel free to let us know about your progress! Post 1: Explaining the Abyss Post 2: Magic Post 3: Melee Post 4: Ranged == EXPLAINING THE ABYSS == XP/hr: Roughly 500k Combat XP/hr Roughly 150k Constitution XP/hr Roughly 700k Invention XP/hr (if you've augmented 3 items) Charms/hr: 60 Crimson charms 16 Blue charms (if using a Charming imp) Once you get to the abyss by talking to the Zamorak Mage just north of Edgeville (IN THE WILDY, SO NEVER BRING ANYTHING YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO LOSE!!), you look for a spot to train. There are 2 per world: South-east, and South-west. Locations & Hop Spot South East Corner: ![]() South West Corner: ![]() Hop Spot (in between those) ![]() Aggro: After a few minutes (10 ish), the monsters aren't aggressive towards you anymore. To get them back on you, you simply run north till the monsters attack you. This also resets the southern 'aggro'. Simply return to your spot and you should be good to go again. Making some money: Water talismans are worth quite a bit (7-9k). Once you get a free spot in your inventory by using up your potions, you could fill it with a water talisman that an abyssal creature has dropped. This way you make some money. Additionally, you could bring some notepaper to make yourself a nice stack of moolah. Crashing: Don't be mean and crash, it's not hard to find your own world. If someone attempts to crash you, be polite at first, ask them if they could hop; or mention that the other side might be open so they move away from you. If they don't leave, you have two options now. You either fight back by clicking every abyss-monster (called 'tagging') so you get xp (because the first to hit a monster gets the xp) and let them know you're not going to leave, or you hop yourself. It depends on what you want to do. Avoiding lures: PK'ers will attempt to get you to go to the bank to get something. After that, you'll return to the abyss to give them it, or to continue training. HOWEVER! The pker will have his team ready near the entrance of the abyss, ready to PK you! Some people will try to 'buy' your spot. This lure works like this: You're at the Abyss and someone will PM you asking you to sell your Abyss spot for a good amount of money (usually over 1M) in an attempt to tempt you to sell it. The lurer will ask you to meet them at the Grand Exchange to trade and when you do teleport there, you won't find him. Instead, you'll get another PM from the lurer saying that he "gave unclear instructions" and that he will meet you inside the Abyss to trade, in the center (away from Abyssal creatures). The lurer will of course be waiting near the Zamorak Mage and possibly with a friend to stun and kill you quickly before you can teleport into the Abyss or run back to the Wilderness ditch, making you lose most of your stuff. Another lure involves a PK'er coming up to you asking you if he could buy x amount of fire runes. He claims he's hit the buy limit at the GE. SAY NO! He will ask you to sell your fire runes, which means you run out yourself. This means you'll have to bank to get new ones. On your way back you will get PK'ed at the abyss entrance near the Zamorak Mage yet again. TL; DR: DON'T LISTEN TO ANYONE SAYING ANYTHING THAT WOULD MAKE YOU LEAVE THE ABYSS. RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Beccah - 2018-02-20 == MAGIC == This post will show you the magic way of abyss. You will be using blood burst. This is an ancient magick's spell, so you will need to complete the Desert Treasure quest for this. Preparation: Required levels, magic and prayer books: - 75 magic - 75 defence - 48 prayer - 48 dungeoneering - Ancient Magicks (Desert Treasure quest) - Normal Prayers Gear: - Subjugation* > Ganodermic* - Amulet of Zealots** - Staff of Light* - Charming Imp (not required) - 6th age circuit (not required) * Can be augmented if you wish to train invention also ** Amulet of Zealots increases the boost of single-stat boosting Prayers by 16% (Requires 48 Prayer and 48 Dungeoneering, 40k Tokens) Inventory for around a 4 hour trip: - 10 Super magic potions (4) OR 7 Super magic flasks (6) - 10 Prayer renewal potions (4) OR 7 Prayer renewal flasks (6) - 10k Death runes - 20k Fire runes - One-click teleport like any teleport tab in case of emergency (for use of teleporting away in case a PK'er is onto you while you're on your way to the abyss) - 1 shark or Enhanced excalibur in case of emergency (see above) - In case you are using augmented gear, make sure you have enough divine charges stored and bring a few (6-9) equipment siphons. Costs: As per december 2018: Per hour: Death runes = 2,500 runes x 134gp mid = 335,000 GP Fire rune = 5,000 runes x 68gp = 340,000 GP Super Magic potion (4) = 2.5 x 5617gp = 24,042 GP Prayer Renewal (4) = 2.5 x 9521gp = 23,803 GP Total = 335,000 + 340,000 + 24,042 + 23,803 = 722,844 GP/HR Seeing as you get around 500k xp per hour: 723k / 500k xp = 1.45 GP/XP The idea once there: You make sure you're using the legacy combat style, turn auto-retaliate on, drink a super magic sip and a prayer renewal sip, and turn on the prayer 'Overcharge'. You won't need to worry about your health as blood burst heals you. RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Rex Advenes - 2018-02-21 Before I get into the guides on Ranged and Melee, there's one general thing I'd like to make sure everyone who attempts to train at the Abyss knows. Warning: PK'ers will attempt to lure you out of the Abyss. While you're training, the following might happen: a guy hops to your world and starts killing some creatures, seemingly in an attempt to crash you. He will remark on how full every world is and that he's tired of hopping. He's got a grand idea: he'll pay you money for you spot! It sounds easy; he pays you some cash and you find a new world. Tiny problem though: because there's all these aggressive creatures you can't trade in the outer ring. Such a shame, looks like you'll have to move to the inner ring. This is where you've been had. The moment you get out of the outer rim of the Abyss, there'll be a (group of) PK'er(s) waiting near the Zamorak mage. The person who offered you money is likely to not give you any and claim they tricked you into giving up your spot. Now they get all the gains, haha! Now comes the part where you, angrilly, teleport to edgeville and run back to the Zamorak Mage to get your spot back from that piece of work. Except there's a PK'er now and he kills you for all your stuff and splits it with the guy who offered you money. Dang. "I've been tricked into going to the inner rim, what do I do? You'd think just hopping worlds would be enough. You'd be wrong. Expect these people to be tenacious. They've got you added on their friend list, they'll try to join your Clan chat and your Friend Chat. All so they can see where you're going and hop to the same world and kill you on the way to the mage. You need to become untraceable. Leave your clan chat (and guest clan chat, just in case). Make sure you're not in a friend chat. Turn private off. Hop. Even now, be extra careful when making your way back. If you manage to make it safely back in: congratulations, you escaped the trap! So how do I deal with these people? That, of course is up to you. I've personally found it best to just let these people know you're on to them the moment they attempt to start their little scheme. If they notice you're familiar with their trick they'll likely just leave you alone to find a better target. Their goal is to make money, not to troll you. So to recap: Never agree to leave the outer rim of the Abyss for monetary gain. It is a trap that you can and should avoid. With that out of the way, expect a guide on melee and ranged tomorrow~ RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Rex Advenes - 2018-02-21 == MELEE == Looking to beat up an afwul lot of monsters in as little time as possible, preferably with a very long stick? Look no further! Melee is the cheapest style to train in the Abyss and is able to sustain itself for hours upon hours with little interference from the player. Costs can be as low as 30K/h with xp rates realistically capable of hitting 500K/h! That’s a whopping 0,06 gp per xp! Do note however that this is the bare minimum of money you need to spend, depending on what you bring costs are likely to rise. Requirements: Preparation - Seers Village Hard task set (required) or Elite task set (recommended). You can find what you need to do for these sets here. - At least 60 attack - 80 crafting (one time only, can be assisted) Gear - Melee power armour. Bandos suffices as it’s non-degradable and gives all the protection you need while improving your damage output. - Blood Amulet of Fury. You can make this by combining an Amulet of Fury with a Blood Necklace Shard, which requires 80 crafting (assistable). - A Halberd. The Dragon Halberd will technically work, though I’d personally recommend at least an Attuned Crystal Halberd or Dragonrider Lance. If you’re comfortable bringing a Noxious Scythe into the Wilderness you can do that if you like. Inventory Required: - Enhanced Excalibur - One-click teleport for emergencies Recommended: - Extreme Brawler Potions if you have access to them, otherwise Extreme attack/defense/strength potions or even the super variants will do just fine. If you have access to Overloads you can use them, though my personal opinion is that the benefits they have over Extreme Brawlers does not outweigh the extra costs you make. - Equipment Siphons if you’re training Invention, 6 should last you for quite a while. Costs: Since the Blood Amulet of Fury is a degrading item, it’ll lose charges during combat. For one hour of combat you’ll lose 30k gp worth of charge. This is the bare minimum amount of money you’ll lose training in the Abyss via melee, though you might make additional expenses if you: -Use a degrading weapon such as Nox Scythe or Dragonrider Lance. -Use degrading power armour. -Train invention, as you’ll lose money on divine charges and equipment siphons. How does it work: Before heading out, there’s two things you want to make sure. First: your combat mode has to be on Revolution; make sure it will also automatically use Ultimate and Threshold abilities for you. Second: you want to make sure that you have your ability bar set up right. It should look something like this. ![]() First up is Meteor Strike, followed by Berserk, Hurricane, Quake and Cleave. After these 5 you can fill up your bar with any order of basics that you like, it matters little as long as you just fill ‘em in. The purpose of the abilities after Cleave is to just generate adrenaline for your Ultimates and Thresholds. Once inside the Abyss there’s two spots that you want to be at: either the southwestern or southeastern part of the Outer Ring of the Abyss. ![]() ![]() As soon as you’ve installed yourself in one of these two spots make sure auto-retaliate is on and dunk a dose of your potion(s) if you brought any. This is the moment you can kick back and watch your character do their thing! With the halberd of your choice and the abilities you’ll be using you’re doing damage in a large radius, easily killing the Abyssal creatures en masse. That said, it’s not 100% afk: you’ll have to move the camera around every now and then to make sure you don’t log out (and lose your spot to people who want to steal it from you!) and you should keep an eye on your potion boosts if you’re using any. Every 10 minutes the creatures will stop being aggressive to you. Once this happens, just move along the outer ring until you’re being attacked again. The creatures are aggressive once more and you can return to your spot. Lastly there’s the issue of your health. Most of the damage you take will be healed back by the special ability of the Blood Amulet of Fury, but chances are your health will slowly go down over time. The moment you are at about 50% of your health, you use the ability of your enhanced Excalibur; this will bring you back to comfortable levels of health. Once you activate the ability a 5 minute cooldown starts to tick during which you can’t use the ability, but thanks to the Blood Amulet of Fury you should be comfortable without it for those 5 minutes. As such, you can stay in your spot until your amulet is out of charges, which is about 17 hours of combat. RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Fake Brews - 2018-02-21 Extremely well-written and useful gude. Especially good bits of infomation for are the crimson charms per hour and invention xp. "Looking to beat up an afwul lot of monsters in as little time as possible, preferably with a very long stick?" - just be sure to buy it from the grand exchange. Saying that you're looking for "a very long stick" can give e-daters the wrong idea. Something I always do personally is put the wilderness sword on my action bar and keybind it. If you're wielding the sword, the action bar keybind will tele to edgeville (so essentially a one-click teleport). Make sure the sword's eqipped, because if it's in your inventory, the keybind will just equip the sword instead. I have my finger over this keybind the whole time I'm running through the wildeness, and if I see a white dot on the minimap, I immediately tele. You'll never get pked doing this - even if a fast pker hits you with a teleblock, you'll already be mid-teleport animation and escape. RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Niickelodeon - 2018-02-21 Pffffft do it like a pro and boss/slay to all your 120 combats. Nice guide doe. RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Lady Spyra - 2018-02-21 The guide is really nice and I really appreciate you two for teaming up to put it all together! ![]() I just have one question to point out: Wasn't there meant to be a range section? Am I just overlooking it somewhere? lol RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Rex Advenes - 2018-02-21 There will be! I've yet to write it as I'm having quite a busy week but I'll try to have it up before double experience kicks in ![]() RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Acorny - 2018-02-22 Great guide! RE: Iris & Becca's ABYSS GUIDE - Beccah - 2018-03-03 Being polite can help when you get crashed! Woopwoop! |