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Intro o - Nic - 2011-01-25

Runescape Name: Turner Nic
Real-life name/nickname: Nic
Age: 16 but shh
Country: New Zealand
Describe yourself in one word: Impeccable

What got you started playing Runescape?: Was talking a mate on msn and they wer like oh yah haha just logging on to runescape lol havent been on in like a year, THEN another said that like 2 days later so i was a curious young boy and i had a look and i enjoyed it :< /end life story
Favorite Movie: The Lion King
Occupation: School'd
Other language(s): o..
Hobbies/talents: Use to be athletic b4 scape :< now im just a genius

RE: Intro o - Tay - 2011-01-25

Welcome to Surreal M8. About time you signed up. Biggrin

RE: Intro o - Meg - 2011-01-25

LOL Nic!!!!!! my favourite kiwifruit Wub

so happy to see you intro Biggrin *does a little dance*

RE: Intro o - Jason - 2011-01-25

Nic m8.

RE: Intro o - Jakey - 2011-01-25

Welcomee :p.

RE: Intro o - Nicholas - 2011-01-25

Welcome to Surreal Nic, hope to see you around. smile

RE: Intro o - Grish - 2011-01-25

Hiya Nic, welcome to Surreal. Like your Dunging.

RE: Intro o - AldousSnow - 2011-01-25

Nice to meet you smile Hope to see you around!!!

RE: Intro o - Nic - 2011-01-25

Thnx all Biggrin jason m8 hi

RE: Intro o - Smith - 2011-01-25

Hi mate, welcome to the family smile