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Hello Surreal - Printable Version

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Hello Surreal - Mini Kniight - 2011-01-31

Runescape Name: Kniight Lost
Real-life name/nickname: Nicholas
Country: Portugal
Describe yourself in one word: Shy

What got you started playing Runescape?: My friend after i got my first Pc, but then stopped for 4 years and i'm back since May '09
Favorite Movie: 007
Occupation: Student
Other language(s): Portuguese, German, English, bit of Spanish
Hobbies/talents: Like to go to the beach to surf, watch movies/series, stay on the pc playing rs, listen to music

RE: Hello Surreal - Jason - 2011-01-31

Sup, welcome to Surreal. Pm me if you need anything.

RE: Hello Surreal - Meg - 2011-01-31

we now have 2 Nicholas' and 1 Nicolaas in Surreal, welcome and hope you enjoy it here Biggrin

RE: Hello Surreal - rachyrockstar - 2011-01-31

Hey there Nicholas, welcome to Surreal. (:

RE: Hello Surreal - Tay - 2011-02-01

Welcome Nicholas! Shy? I'm sure we can change that Wink

RE: Hello Surreal - Nicholas - 2011-02-01

Just remeber, I am the original Nicholas. ;]

Welcome to Surreal.

RE: Hello Surreal - Jos - 2011-02-01

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hello Surreal - Grish - 2011-02-01

Welcome to Surreal Nicholas. Enjoy your stay!

RE: Hello Surreal - Frosty - 2011-02-01

Welcome to Surreal Nicholas, don't worry about being shy, we'll do the talking to you Tongue