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Greetingz - Printable Version

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Greetingz - Tyraeluz - 2011-02-01

Runescape Name: Tyraeluz

Real-life name/nickname: Pete

Age: 18

Country: United Kingdom - West Midlands

Describe yourself in one word: Seeker

What got you started playing Runescape?:
I have recently just started playing the game again, but what brought me back is just how great the game is. Originally, when i was around the age of 13/14, i loved runescape and i used to be a devoted skiller back then, and do hold a history in previous skilling clans. Being able to cultivate as a team, which could easily be seen as a family of XP hungry skillers is what i enjoy. Nothing can be better than friendly competition, within a skilling environment. But what got me started, was school back in the old days, where everyone played.

Favorite Movie: The Notebook / Inception

Occupation: Student in Psychology & Sociology. Part time Ride

Other language(s): Little Japanese & Spanish.

Hobbies/talents: Sports/Gaming/Learning

Thank you =)Good

RE: Greetingz - Jason - 2011-02-01

Welcome to the forums.

RE: Greetingz - Jos - 2011-02-01

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Greetingz - Tay - 2011-02-01

Welcome to Surreal, Pete. Enjoy your time here. smile

RE: Greetingz - rachyrockstar - 2011-02-01

Welcome to surreal!

RE: Greetingz - Rarely Lucky - 2011-02-01

Welcome to the forums.

RE: Greetingz - Jakey - 2011-02-01

Welcomeeeee <3!

RE: Greetingz - Meg - 2011-02-01

Welcome to Surreal Pete Biggrin hope you enjoy it here and if you need anything just ask smile

RE: Greetingz - Frosty - 2011-02-02

Welcome to Surreal and the forums Pete, hope you enjoy yourself! smile

RE: Greetingz - Grish - 2011-02-02

Welcome to Surreal, if there's anything you need or want you can always ask! smile