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Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Printable Version

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Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Valkyrie Missile - 2011-02-14

Hello all! Nice to meet you guys over IRC, now time for a more formal intro:

Runescape Name:Vmissile Dx
Real-life name/nickname: Dev
Age: 20
Country: U.S.A
Describe yourself in one word: Lol, hard to do. I'm not creative enough to think of such a word Tongue

What got you started playing Runescape?: 2004, when I started H.S lol.
Favorite Movie: Hmm..Recently I liked Inception, but my favorite oldies movie must be the graduate.
Occupation: College Student majoring in Economics and Math.
Other language(s): I am learning Japanese in my Uni atm, tough and painful language that is a req to grad Boredom

Ahh well: こんにちは!
Hobbies/talents: I like to shoot photography on my freetime. I'll try and post some of my pics whenever I can. I haven't shot in a while due to schoolwork.

I'm a math geek.

Thanks Tongue

RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Danny - 2011-02-14

Hey Dev, nice to see you posting an intro here on the forums. smile
Ewwwwww school sucks.
Math Geek, not bad...didnt really like maths myself. Oh well. smile

Welcome to Surreal! Wub

RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Crow - 2011-02-14

I love photography to, do you upload your stuff on a blog like tumblr or something?

Also Welcome smile

RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - l Zephyr l - 2011-02-14


RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Grish - 2011-02-14

Ni hao (hi in Japanese?) Welcome to surreal smile

RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Valkyrie Missile - 2011-02-14

RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Jakey - 2011-02-14

Welcome Dev.

Math = Love <3 smile. Fav Subject ^_^

RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Ramu - 2011-02-14


RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - rachyrockstar - 2011-02-14

Welcomeee Dev (: math is for pros

RE: Valkyrie Missile's Intro - Jos - 2011-02-14

Welcome to Surreal smile