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Hellooooo - Printable Version

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Hellooooo - Gilman - 2011-02-25

Runescape Name: Gilman
Real-life name/nickname:Sam
Age: 16
Country: England
Describe yourself in one word: Kind

What got you started playing Runescape?: Friends
Favorite Movie: There is too many to say.
Occupation: Student
Other language(s): None
Hobbies/talents: Playing Guitar

RE: Hellooooo - Danny - 2011-02-25

Welcome to the Surreal forums Sam. smile

RE: Hellooooo - Jos - 2011-02-25

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hellooooo - Meep - 2011-02-26

Welcome to Surreal smile

Any songs you particularly like to play on guitar?

RE: Hellooooo - Tay - 2011-02-26

Welcome to Surreal mate. I hope you enjoy your stay. smile

RE: Hellooooo - Downfall - 2011-02-26

Welcome to Surreal, Sam! Hope you have a grand ol' stay here and let me know if I can be of any assistance smile

RE: Hellooooo - Quaran - 2011-02-26

Hey, Sam! Enjoy your stay at Surreal! Grin

RE: Hellooooo - Rawries - 2011-02-26

Hey, welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hellooooo - Tiruvalye - 2011-02-26

Young man of few words I see! Welcome to Surreal! smile

RE: Hellooooo - Meg - 2011-02-26

Hiya Sam and welcome to Surreal, if you need any help or anything feel free to ask smile Hope you enjoy it here Biggrin