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Green's Intro - Printable Version

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Green's Intro - Green - 2011-04-23

(Ok so I know I have already applied and everything but I wasn't sure if I had to redo this or not.)

Runescape Name: Green D X
Real-life name/nickname: Quinn
Age: 18
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Dork

What got you started playing Runescape?: My cousin, long time ago.
Favorite Movie: Elf, Scream 4, Saw movies.
Occupation: I'm unemployed atm, I don't really want a job yet, as prom is almost here and everything.
Other language(s): English y poquito espanol.
Hobbies/talents: Rsing, being a dork and other things. Wink

RE: Green's Intro - Danny - 2011-04-23

Welcome back to the forums. smile

RE: Green's Intro - Frosty - 2011-04-23

Welcome to the forums, again smile

RE: Green's Intro - Green - 2011-04-23

Thanks guys for the warm welcome back. Biggrin

RE: Green's Intro - Bug - 2011-04-23


RE: Green's Intro - Yasopp - 2011-04-23

welcome Green smile


RE: Green's Intro - old_jon - 2011-04-23

Hi Quinn.

You know, it's not easy being green... ( <- poor reference to a muppets scetch involving kermit the frog)

Anywho, welcome and enjoy! Grin

RE: Green's Intro - Smith - 2011-04-23

Wb! Hope you have a better time now smile

RE: Green's Intro - Rawries - 2011-04-23

Hey, welcome Quinn smile

RE: Green's Intro - Cabbage - 2011-04-24

Welcome back ! Biggrin