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Hey! - Virianda - 2011-05-04

Runescape Name: Virianda
Real-life name/nickname: Abby
Age: 19
Country: Scotland
Describe yourself in one word: idk, Fun?

What got you started playing Runescape?: Friend of mine way back in 04/05 got me into it.
Favorite Movie: Big Lebowski / Toy Story
Occupation: Trainee Chef
Other language(s): None
Hobbies/talents: I read/write alot, cant think of anything else interesting enough..

Not sure if its worth me applying, Old Crow reccommended this clan to me but unsure whether I'll get accepted cause I dont fit the requirements - but may stick around here for a while.

RE: Hey! - Shay - 2011-05-04

Welcome to the forums, Abby! Even if you don't meet the requirements at this time, it's still nice to have the extra company. I hope you enjoy your stay and I look forward to seeing you in the clan chat, if you ever feel like popping in to hang out with us!

RE: Hey! - Meg - 2011-05-04

Hi there Abby, we have a few people that are trying to reach our requirements that hang out in our clan chat and irc channel so feel free to do the same Biggrin

RE: Hey! - Danny - 2011-05-04

Hey there Abby. smile
Welcome to the forums and all!
There is no problem with you sticking around here, it might give you that extra motivation you need to join us. I'm sure our members will do there best in helping you out if you ever seek there help at all. smile

Enjoy your time here with us Abby.
Oh yea I forgot. I'll have some haggis please! I'm sure you'll cook it nicely. Wink

RE: Hey! - PiXeYstyx - 2011-05-04

Yay another girl! We only have a few here the boys are taking over, I was just saying the other day we needed to recruit more girls to the clan to even things out Lol

RE: Hey! - Crow - 2011-05-04



RE: Hey! - Clifford - 2011-05-04

I call dibs on all present and future female applicants. That is all.

P.s welcome to the clan Biggrin

RE: Hey! - Lilbod - 2011-05-04

Hello Abby, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: Hey! - Smith - 2011-05-04

Welcome to the forums Abby. Looking forward to meet you smile

RE: Hey! - old_jon - 2011-05-05

Hello Abby! A friend of Old Crow is a friend of mine! Good

Don't worry so much about not meeting requirements for now. We would love to have you in clan chat with us. Some of the most interesting people to chat with (in my opinion, Jack) are in the same boat as you.

See you around. smile