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Gilly says hi - Printable Version

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Gilly says hi - Gilly - 2011-06-09

Hey guys, hoping to put an application in to join today, just thought i'd introduce myself smile.

Runescape Name: Gillyy
Real-life name/nickname: Sam
Age: 16
Country: England
Describe yourself in one word: Fun

What got you started playing Runescape?: IRL friends really Biggrin
Favorite Movie: Anything funny, don't really have a favourite, maybe some of you guys could suggest some to watch Grin
Occupation: Student
Other language(s): NONE.
Hobbies/talents: Playing Guitar, Watching Football, Plaing Xbox, Scape and listening to Music

Nice to meet everyone smile.

RE: Gilly says hi - ChangingLane - 2011-06-09

welcome to surreal Wink

RE: Gilly says hi - Smith - 2011-06-09

Smith says Hi smile

Welcome to Surreal Sam Wink

RE: Gilly says hi - Shay - 2011-06-09

Welcome to Surreal, Sam! Let us know if you need anything and enjoy your stay!

RE: Gilly says hi - Clifford - 2011-06-09

Welcome to surreal, you've tried the best! welcome to the rest!

RE: Gilly says hi - Kun - 2011-06-09

Welcome to the forums, Sammy m'boy! Wub

RE: Gilly says hi - Yasopp - 2011-06-09

welcome to Surreal Sam, enjoy your stay.

RE: Gilly says hi - fiOWNya - 2011-06-09

Welcome Sam, hope you love it here!

RE: Gilly says hi - Cabbage - 2011-06-09

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Gilly says hi - Meg - 2011-06-09

Welcome to Surreal Sam hope you enjoy your time here and if there is anything you need help with feel free to ask Biggrin