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ChangingLane has entered the building - Printable Version

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ChangingLane has entered the building - ChangingLane - 2010-10-27

Runescape Name: ChangingLane
Real-life name/nickname: Bjorn Smeets aka Ghostie (long story about my drivers license examn)
Age: 21
Country: Belgium, home of the French fries, chocolat and beer Grin
Describe yourself in one word: Weird Yahoo

What got you started playing Runescape?: a friend introduced it to me
Favorite Movie: Gone in 60 seconds
Occupation: Student (applied computer sceince)
Other language(s): Dutch, English and a little bit of French
Hobbies/talents: Does sleeping count as a talent? Lazy2 If not, then playing RuneScape, Photoshop, Webdevelopment, working out and girlfriend

RE: ChangingLane has entered the building - Downfall - 2010-10-27

Photoshop = Wub
Web dev = Wub

Looks like we're gonna get along pretty well! Welcome to Surreal!! Bjorn is such a cool name, how's that pronounced? I'll be doing computer science as well soon, maybe you can give me some tips smile

RE: ChangingLane has entered the building - ChangingLane - 2010-10-27

Thanks Downfall ^^
Well, how to pronounce my name... I actually have no clue at all.
The b is pronounced as the b in beer,
the j as the y in yes,
the o as the o in dog,
the r is a rolling r,
the n as the n in end.
Quite difficult to say in English of you ask me :p

And about those tips, I don't think you should need to worry since it's all quite easy for me and honoustly, you're Photoshop and Webdevelopment is way superior to mine. But if you get the exact same classes as I do, watch out for Math and Object Oriented Java as those 2 are quite hard.

RE: ChangingLane has entered the building - Tay - 2010-10-27

Welcome Bjorn. Your name reminds me of someone out of ABBA.. *facepalm* <-- Don't mind my horrid sense of humour.

I hope you enjoy your stay at Surreal. smile

RE: ChangingLane has entered the building - Jos - 2010-10-27

Photoshop and webdev smile

RE: ChangingLane has entered the building - Humrunking - 2010-10-27

Welcome to the clan Bjorn ! smile That's great that you're into Photoshop and Web dev ! Definitely cool to be making layouts and all the interesting things you could do with photoshop. Tongue You sound like Downfall with all those hobbies you have haha Biggrin