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Sup YO! - Printable Version

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Sup YO! - Vus - 2011-07-10

Runescape Name: Vusasaki
Real-life name/nickname: Vincent/Vinnie
Age: 20
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: DSFSDFSFKJSDLFK

What got you started playing Runescape?: [Insert typical story about when I was young and killed cows for weeks. Oh what a simple online game can do to a young Vincent.]

Favorite Movie: Hardest question on this introduction! I would have to say The Terminal wins barely. I have seen and enjoyed quite a few movies in my time so far on Earth.

Occupation: Computer Science student D: (Going into my third year in the fall.)

Other language(s): If by languages you mean programming languages, then yes I know around 5 different languages proficiently. Sadly I do realize you mean languages you speak out of your mouth, and I only know English.

Hobbies/talents: Programming, jogging, playing percussion in general, gaming of all kinds, anime/manga, and the most typical answer for this question: LISTENING TO MUSIC!!!

I hope you enjoyed my introduction. I have a nasty habit of spending a lot of time creating witty/funny/inspiring threads when I first join a forum. It is simply to try and impress people. I hoped it worked Tongue.

Also sorry for bolding the questions, couldn't help myself.

RE: Sup YO! - Shay - 2011-07-10

Hey Vincent, welcome to Surreal! Your intro cracked me up. XD Glad to see you have a great sense of humor and a fun personality. Also, love your avatar picture, it's quite awesome. Enjoy your stay here; make yourself comfortable and let us know if you need anything!

RE: Sup YO! - AlchemyHawk - 2011-07-10

Welcome to Surreal Vincent! Biggrin
I am sure you will fit in well.

RE: Sup YO! - Lexy - 2011-07-10

I hope you enjoy your stay
here is a complimentary
cupcake and pudding packet.

RE: Sup YO! - Meg - 2011-07-11

LOL @ Lexi's pudding picture :p

Welcome to Surreal Vincent, you have a great sense of humour, hope you enjoy it here and if you need anything feel free to ask Biggrin

RE: Sup YO! - Downfall - 2011-07-11

Hey Vincent! Loved the intro - you seem like the perfect person for the clan Tongue Have a great stay here!

How's computer science treating you? I'll be starting that course soonsmile

RE: Sup YO! - S15 - 2011-07-11

Welcome to Surreal Vincent! Hope you enjoy your stay with us smile

RE: Sup YO! - xAndrew - 2011-07-11

Welcome to Surreal Vincent. It's always nice to have some extra personality around here. Hope everything is well and we hope to see an application in the near future Wink

RE: Sup YO! - Crow - 2011-07-11

[Image: tumblr_llg9cq5CKJ1qj2ilho1_500.gif]

RE: Sup YO! - Witch - 2011-07-11

Welcome Vinnie! smile