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Introduction x] - Printable Version

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Introduction x] - Final - 2011-07-12

Runescape stuff...

RS Name: FinalFantasy

Combat: 138

Stats:[Image: 110712220054.png]

Other Information: I have been playing RS for approximately six years on and off. Took me a while to get any good at the game Tongue I have spent a lot of time at the Stealing Creations mini-game and was an admin at non-combat clan for some time. I tend to waste a lot of time sitting infront of the bank wondering what to do next smile mostly I enjoy playing RS for the friends I make Yahoo I guess I have a somewhat sought after username people often comment on it x]

Lately I have been assigning most of my time to money making, this is my current effort Tongue

[Image: 110712225736.png]

Real Life Stoof...

Name: Andrew/Andy

Age: 18

From: Perth, Western Australia

Additional Info: Hey, I'm Andrew I am currently at university doing a double-degree(LLB & Ba) Law, along-side Politics and International Studies. Currently living in Perth, West Aus's capital city =] I would probably describe myself as friendly and caring x] If you wish to know anything pm me or w/e I guess Tongue I have skype/MSN etc.

[Image: snapshot201107126.jpg]

RE: Introduction x] - AlchemyHawk - 2011-07-12

Hey there Andrew, welcome to Surrreal! Biggrin

RE: Introduction x] - Skill Hard - 2011-07-12

Lots. Of. Cash. :o

Welcome to Surreal! smile

RE: Introduction x] - Lexy - 2011-07-12

Here is a cupcake
and pudding packet :3

RE: Introduction x] - RBH_Justin - 2011-07-12

Love the stats hope to see you more!

RE: Introduction x] - Downfall - 2011-07-12

Hey Andy smile Welcome to Surreal! Good to see another Aussie on board, eh? Have an awesome stay here ad let me know if I can be of any assistance to you.

RE: Introduction x] - Evaluate - 2011-07-12

Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay. And oi, put a shirt on Tongue

RE: Introduction x] - Clifford - 2011-07-12

I'm jewish smile

Edit: Also welcome smile

RE: Introduction x] - Shay - 2011-07-12

Welcome to Surreal, Andy! Make yourself comfortable here and let us know if you need anything!

RE: Introduction x] - Ryan - 2011-07-12

Hey Andy,

Welcome to Surreal, Hope you enjoy it smile

btw, awesome bank you got there Tongue