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im new pls guide me =-D - Printable Version

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im new pls guide me =-D - illynd - 2011-08-01

Runescape Name:illynd
Real-life name/nickname:jonathan
Country: Singapore
Describe yourself in one word: Handsome To_keep_order
What got you started playing Runescape?: from a friend
Favorite Movie: Harry Potter
Other language(s):Indonesia

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Frosty - 2011-08-01

Woo finally here Biggrin Welcome to the family

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Smith - 2011-08-01

An other Jonathan! Welcome!

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Kun - 2011-08-01

Welcome to the Forums, Jonathan. :>

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Tay - 2011-08-01

Welcome. I remember seeing your name in the Clan Chat a whole lot earlier in the year. Nice to see you've decided to make a formal introduction. Enjoy your stay! smile

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Crow - 2011-08-01

[Image: tumblr_llg9cq5CKJ1qj2ilho1_500.gif]

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Mikuri - 2011-08-01

Nice country <3
Welcome here Jonathan smile

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Stev3 - 2011-08-01

Welcome to Sir Real!

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Shay - 2011-08-01

Welcome to Surreal, Jonathan! Enjoy your stay and let us know if you need anything!

RE: im new pls guide me =-D - Evaluate - 2011-08-01

Welcome to Surreal!

Enjoy your stay smile