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intro - Dave - 2011-08-08

Runescape Name: DaveZZilla
Real-life name/nickname: Dave
Age: 22
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: the man

What got you started playing Runescape?: I heard about it from a friend a long time ago. I didn't write the date in my diary, but I think it must have been around '02.
Favorite Movie: The Sting
Hobbies/talents: I like to eat. I also like to cook, because then I get to eat what I cook.

RE: intro - Incise - 2011-08-08

Well hello there Dave! I am one of the many Danny's you'll meet here in Surreal!

RE: intro - Meg - 2011-08-08

Hi Dave and welcome to Surreal, I'm the complete opposite to you in terms of cooking, I personally can't stsnd it and don't really get enjoyment from the food I prepare/cook myself although I do when others cook because I haven't had to see it raw lol

anyway Welcome to Surreal and I hope you enjoy it here, if you need any help at all just give me a shout smile

RE: intro - Witch - 2011-08-08

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: intro - Lilbod - 2011-08-08

Hello Dave, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: intro - Lexy - 2011-08-08

Hellooo and welcome smile

RE: intro - old_jon - 2011-08-08

Hi Dave! Yahoo

I'm very happy to see you're here. I know how hard it is giving up your old clan.

I hope you find here everything I've been bragging about to you for the last few months! Lol

I'm sure you'll enjoy it here though. It really is a great clan. Good

Again, great to have you with us.Grin

PS. no telling them secret stuff you know about me! okay!?!?! Blush2

RE: intro - Crow - 2011-08-08

[Image: tumblr_llg9cq5CKJ1qj2ilho1_500.gif]

RE: intro - AlchemyHawk - 2011-08-09

(2011-08-08 06:57:16)DaveZZilla Wrote:  Hobbies/talents: I like to eat.
Were friends. Grin

Welcome to Surreal Dave! Hi

RE: intro - S15 - 2011-08-09

Welcome to Surreal, Dave! You'll love it here smile