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Hello Everyone! - Printable Version

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Hello Everyone! - twigman1200 - 2011-08-10

Runescape Name: twigman1200
Real-life name/nickname: Mike
Age: 21
Country: US of A
Describe yourself in one word: Witty

What got you started playing Runescape?: One of my friends suggested the game to me.
Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight
Occupation: Student
Other language(s): A little Spanish
Hobbies/talents: Sports, mainly football and basketball

This looks like a great clan and I plan on applying after I get a few more total levels (3). I look forward to meeting everyone smile

RE: Hello Everyone! - Rarely Lucky - 2011-08-10

Welcome to the forum, I hope to see you apply soon.

RE: Hello Everyone! - S15 - 2011-08-10

Hi Mike! Welcome to Surreal! I hope you enjoy your stay smile

RE: Hello Everyone! - AlchemyHawk - 2011-08-10

Welcome to Surreal Mike! Biggrin

RE: Hello Everyone! - BrokenDolly - 2011-08-10

Welcome ^^ wont be took long until 3 levels =P

RE: Hello Everyone! - Lexy - 2011-08-10

Hope you apply soon, welcome to the forums Mike. smile

RE: Hello Everyone! - Crow - 2011-08-10

[Image: tumblr_llg9cq5CKJ1qj2ilho1_500.gif]

RE: Hello Everyone! - Lilbod - 2011-08-10

Hello Mike, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: Hello Everyone! - Witch - 2011-08-10

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Hello Everyone! - Shay - 2011-08-10

Hey Mike, welcome to Surreal! Looking forward to seeing you apply, you're really close on that total level. Make yourself comfortable here and let us know if you need anything!