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Wee Daz 1 - Printable Version

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Wee Daz 1 - Wee Daz 1 - 2011-08-18

Runescape Name: Wee Daz 1
Real-life name/nickname: Darren / Daz / Dazza
Age: 18
Country: Scotland
Describe yourself in one word: Tank

What got you started playing Runescape?: Old friend from school
Favorite Movie: Fast five
Occupation: College - Education - Car Mechanics
Other language(s): Null
Hobbies/talents: Football / Cars / Fishing / Relaxing with friends

RE: Wee Daz 1 - Granto - 2011-08-18

Welcome to the forums dazzaren!

RE: Wee Daz 1 - Smith - 2011-08-18

Hi Darren Yahoo

Fishin' irl or scape? lol

RE: Wee Daz 1 - Danny - 2011-08-18

Another scottish...maybe an invasion is going to start.... /joker <3

Welcome to the Forums Darren! Hope you enjoy your stay here Biggrin!

RE: Wee Daz 1 - Rarely Lucky - 2011-08-18

Welcome to the forums Darren!

RE: Wee Daz 1 - Evaluate - 2011-08-18

Welcome to Surreal, Darren! Enjoy your stay.

RE: Wee Daz 1 - AlchemyHawk - 2011-08-18

Hey there Daz, welcome to Surreal! Biggrin

RE: Wee Daz 1 - Shay - 2011-08-18

Hey Darren, welcome to Surreal! Enjoy your stay here and let us know if you need anything!

RE: Wee Daz 1 - Witch - 2011-08-19

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Wee Daz 1 - Chad - 2011-08-19

Another Scott ehh? Welcome to the clan Dazza smile Enjoy your stay with us here at Surreal!