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Iced - Printable Version

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Iced - Iced - 2011-08-21

Runescape Name: Iced 0ut

Real-life name/nickname: Aaron
Age: 21
Country: USA

Describe yourself: I'm pretty laid back about most things, good sense of humor, athletic, avg guy I suppose

What got you started playing Runescape?: Friend of mine in middle school showed it to me

Favorite Movie:
300/training day/fear and loathing

Currently waiting to go to basic training for the Navy. Will be an Operations Specialist

Other language(s): Slept through 2 years of french in high school if that counts lol

Like FPS games, getting my PS3 back from sony here soon (shout out to zues for hitting my house with lightning), like chilling with friends, listening to music, etc etc.

RE: Iced - Shay - 2011-08-21

Welcome to Surreal, Iced! I see we already know each other quite a bit, hahaha. Hope you enjoy your stay here and let us know if you need anything!

RE: Iced - Witch - 2011-08-21

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Iced - S15 - 2011-08-21

Welcome Iced to Surreal! I hope you enjoy your stay, feel free to ask me any questions if you need!

RE: Iced - Lilbod - 2011-08-21

Hello Aaron, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: Iced - Smith - 2011-08-21

Welcome Aaron, way toooo much colors lol Yahoo

RE: Iced - Chad - 2011-08-21

Welcome to the clan Aaron - Training Day, great film!

RE: Iced - Lexy - 2011-08-21

(2011-08-21 08:30:28)Agent Shay Wrote:  Welcome to Surreal, Iced! I see we already know each other quite a bit, hahaha. Hope you enjoy your stay here and let us know if you need anything!

You already know too much about my pudding lover. Stay away from her!@!#@
Welcome though Wub

RE: Iced - Narccius - 2011-08-21

Welcome to Surreal!!! Hope you enjopy your time with us =)

RE: Iced - UberSanta - 2011-08-21

Welcome Iced.

I know we already talked a bit on IRC yesterday Wink

I'm sure you will have fun here Biggrin