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Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - Printable Version

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Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - solecalibur - 2011-08-22

Runescape Name: Solecalibur
Real-life name/nickname: Sole
Age: 20
Country: US / Ohio
Describe yourself in one word: focus

What got you started playing Runescape?: In classic
Favorite Movie: To many, epic ones are the best
Occupation: Student at OU
Other language(s): n/a
Hobbies/talents: LoL, hanging out with my club at my university, Anime (in it but not that much)

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - Mikuri - 2011-08-22

I like your RSN smile
I'm a great fan of animes and asian stuff in general, I'm glad to welcome someone else with a bit of interest in that too smile

Joining a clan is what keeps runescape alive in my opinion, and Surreal is a great one for sure. I wish you will have fun with us Sole!

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - Lilbod - 2011-08-22

Hello Sole, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - old_jon - 2011-08-22

Welcome Sole. Bye

Welcome back to runescape and welcome to our clan. You should enjoy yourself here as I reckon this clan is pretty awesome. Grin

Hope to catch up with you in clan chat at some stage. Wink

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - Smith - 2011-08-22

Welcome Sol Yahoo
Hope you will have a good time in here Yahoo

Ur joining RS at a strange moment, jagex is failing more than ever lol

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - Rarely Lucky - 2011-08-22

Welcome to the forums!

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - Witch - 2011-08-22

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - Lexy - 2011-08-22

Helloo and welcome smile

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - mrpurematty - 2011-08-22

[Image: tumblr_llg9cq5_CKJ1qj2ilho1_500.gif]
image hosting

RE: Rejoining runescape, so a clan sounded like a good idea also - Chad - 2011-08-22

Welcome to the clan, great RSN!