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Tony' Intro - Printable Version

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Tony' Intro - Tony - 2011-09-09

Runescape Name: Wick3d Tony
Real-life name/nickname: Tony
Age: 20
Country: Austria
Describe yourself in one word: God. haha :F

What made you start playing runescape: My brother showed me this game 6 years ago. At first I thought it looks cool and I should try it out.
In between I always thought it's a waste of time but I'm still here

Favorite Movie: Predators (2010), Expendables, Get Rich or die tryin, Transformers 1-3
Occupation: Accountant
Other language(s): German & English
Hobbies/talents: Soccer, Basketball, swimming, cycling

RE: Tony' Intro - Jos - 2011-09-09

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Tony' Intro - TJPAB - 2011-09-10

Welcome Tony! Hope to see you around :].

RE: Tony' Intro - Danny - 2011-09-10

Welcome to the forums Tony! Hope you enjoy it here Wub

RE: Tony' Intro - Evaluate - 2011-09-10

Welcome to Surreal, Tony! Enjoy your stay smile

RE: Tony' Intro - Meg - 2011-09-10

oh wow another accountant, Jon will be very happy indeed!

Welcome to Surreal Tony, make yourself at home and if you need any help at all feel free to ask Biggrin

RE: Tony' Intro - Shay - 2011-09-10

Wicked Tony, eh? Any relation to CJ? Just kidding, but welcome to Surreal! Let us know if you need anything and enjoy your time here!

RE: Tony' Intro - Rarely Lucky - 2011-09-10

Welcome to the forums!