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Introduction - Zeldagamer13 - 2011-09-13

Runescape Name: Zeldagamer13
Real-life name/nickname: Angelo
Age: 19
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Chill

What made you start playing runescape: The reason why I started playing runescape were my friends in real life, and how there were different skills I was able to train.
Favorite Movie: My current favorite movie would have to be Step Up 3!
Occupation: College
Other language(s): I just speak English, but I do understand Tagalog. (I am Filipino Biggrin)
Hobbies/talents: I like to play Basketball with friends at times. Musical talents, I play the Cello and a little bit of the Ukulele.Hi

RE: Introduction - Witch - 2011-09-13

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Introduction - TJPAB - 2011-09-13

Hey Angelo! Good luck with your application, hope to see you around :].

RE: Introduction - Lilbod - 2011-09-13

Hello Angelo, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: Introduction - Evaluate - 2011-09-13

Your name sounds familiar but I don't know why. Anywho, welcome to Surreal, Angelo, enjoy your stay!

RE: Introduction - Shay - 2011-09-13

Welcome to Surreal, Angelo! Please make yourself at home and let us know if you need anything!

RE: Introduction - Tay - 2011-09-13

Welcome Angelo. Enjoy your stay. smile

RE: Introduction - Zeldagamer13 - 2011-09-13

Thank you everyone for the warm Welcome. Much appreciated Biggrin

RE: Introduction - Jos - 2011-09-13

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Introduction - BrokenDolly - 2011-09-13

Welcome to Surreal Biggrin