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PvM XiongMao's Intro - Printable Version

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PvM XiongMao's Intro - Darkxrox - 2011-09-17

Runescape Name: PvM XiongMao
Real-life name/nickname: Panda
Country: U.S
Describe yourself in one word: Procrastinator

What made you start playing runescape: Back in 2003, couple friends introduced me to Runescape, and I started to play this game.
Favorite Movie: Ip Man 1 & 2
Occupation: Studying Computer Science
Other language(s): Cantonese
Hobbies/talents: Playing Runescape/ video games, going to Food Panels, and Reading

RE: PvM XiongMao's Intro - TJPAB - 2011-09-17

IP MAN!!! One of my favorites!

Welcome to the forums, hope to see you around! :]

RE: PvM XiongMao's Intro - Mikuri - 2011-09-17

Hello smile
Welcome aboard, wish you fun here ^^!

RE: PvM XiongMao's Intro - Shay - 2011-09-17

Welcome to Surreal, Panda! Make yourself comfortable here and let us know if you need anything!

RE: PvM XiongMao's Intro - Witch - 2011-09-17

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: PvM XiongMao's Intro - Smith - 2011-09-17

Welcome, I wish you all the best in here smile

RE: PvM XiongMao's Intro - Evaluate - 2011-09-17

Welcome to Surreal, Panda, enjoy your stay! smile

RE: PvM XiongMao's Intro - Darkxrox - 2011-09-18

Thank You for the warm welcomes all. smile

RE: PvM XiongMao's Intro - Jos - 2011-09-18

Welcome to Surreal smile