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mini intro - Printable Version

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mini intro - Nailed - 2011-10-05

Runescape NameBiggrinrunk N RC
Real-life name/nickname:Neale
Age:18 in 6 days =]
Country: Austraila/New Zealand - working in austraila atm but i come from and plan on returning to new zealand
Describe yourself in one word:fun?

What made you start playing runescape: a friend back in 07
Favorite Movie: not really much of a movie watcher
Occupation:Shearers Hand
Other language(s): tiny bit of jap
Hobbies/talents: hobbies are... umm? finding flaws and repairing computers

RE: mini intro - Tay - 2011-10-05

Welcome to Surreal, Neale. Enjoy your stay smile

RE: mini intro - Nailed - 2011-10-05


RE: mini intro - Meg - 2011-10-05

Hi there Neale, welcome to Surreal! very interesting occupation you have - I'm Aussie myself and I have to say I've never met a shearers hand before Biggrin Early Grats on becoming legal too btw!! Biggrin

RE: mini intro - Smith - 2011-10-05

Hi Neale, welcome smile

RE: mini intro - Nailed - 2011-10-05

LOL meg its the dumbed down name of it - its usually called a rousey

RE: mini intro - Exbajalator - 2011-10-05

Heya mate, welcome to Surreal ^^

RE: mini intro - Lilbod - 2011-10-05

Hello Neale, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: mini intro - Shay - 2011-10-05

Welcome to Surreal, Neale! So many new people from New Zealand joining lately; you all must travel in packs. XD Glad to have you here, let us know if you have any questions!

RE: mini intro - Neeson - 2011-10-05

Welcome smile