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Reintroduction - Tavishly - Printable Version

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Reintroduction - Tavishly - Tiruvalye - 2011-10-22

Runescape Name: Tavishly
Real-life name/nickname: Robert
Age: 18
Country: United States

I'm so excited to be back to Surreal. I've decided to repost an introduction back into the clan.

For those who don't know me, this is me.

[Image: whaaa.png]

Continue to stare into my eyes so that I can read your deepest and most top secret hush hush thoughts.

OKAY -- Scanning Complete.

I enjoy taking every day one step at a time.

[Image: 251348_2044679323900_1451903367_2317094_1747152_n.jpg]

Yes this is my leg... and foot too.

I'm a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or you may know me by my non-hazardous misnomer -- Mormon.

[Image: imagesCAK50QPN.jpg]

I enjoy scuba diving in my spare time, I'm a certified NAUI Scuba Diver and am also certified in NITROX.

[Image: robert.jpg]

I'm the Senior Excecutive Vice-President of Office Management (A.K.A. Office Manager) of a company that generates roughly 7.2 Million Dollars in profit every fiscal year, I'm proud of what I do.

{Photo to come >.<}

Too excited to be back playing RuneScape. I hope to see all of you soon in-game.

Oh. P.S.

I met my Lil Broski on RuneScape.

[Image: df823c4b.jpg]

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - PiXeYstyx - 2011-10-22

ROBERT!!!!!!!!! Wub

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - TJPAB - 2011-10-22

Hey Robert! I'm Tj...Awesome intro! Hope to see you around Biggrin.

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - Smith - 2011-10-22

Welcome back smile

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - Bronagh - 2011-10-22

Welcome back! smile

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - Evaluate - 2011-10-22

Already welcomed you back, but welcome back again! Very glad to see you back around, enjoy your stay!

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - Shay - 2011-10-22

Welcome back, Robert!

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - Witch - 2011-10-22

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - Tiruvalye - 2011-10-22

Thanks guys! It's great to be back Wink

RE: Reintroduction - Tavishly - Virianda - 2011-10-23

Weclome back smile