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Hallo!!! :) - Printable Version

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Hallo!!! :) - Sapyian - 2011-11-13

Runescape Name:Cya_n
Real-life name/nickname:Nathan
Describe yourself in one word:Thoughtful

What made you start playing runescape:Well, back in 03' my friends and I started to play this game, and ever since then, I've been playing this game on-and-off.
Favorite Movie:Totally irrelevant!? Tongue However, if I were to chose on, it would be the Green Mile.
Other language(s):English
Hobbies/talents:Runescape, computers, networking, etc.. smile

RE: Hallo!!! :) - UberSanta - 2011-11-13

A very warm welcome to the Clan!

Hope to see you on IRC at some point Biggrin

I like your hobbies btw, the same as mine Wink

RE: Hallo!!! :) - Random Dandy - 2011-11-13

Hey Nathan smile And yes your hobbies are ftw

RE: Hallo!!! :) - Meg - 2011-11-13

Welcome to Surreal Nathan, hope you enjoy it here Biggrin

RE: Hallo!!! :) - TJPAB - 2011-11-13

Welcome to Surreal Nathan!

Hope to see you around :]

RE: Hallo!!! :) - Evaluate - 2011-11-14

Welcome to Surreal, Nathan, enjoy your stay! smile

RE: Hallo!!! :) - Wendy - 2011-11-14

[Image: ciao%20gif%20hello%20glitter%202.gif]

Glad to see you

RE: Hallo!!! :) - old_jon - 2011-11-14

Hi Nathan. Bye

Great to have you here with us. Hope you enjoy it and looking forward to saying "hi" in clanchat at some stage. Grin

Hopefully the awesomeness that is Clan Surreal will inspire you to be more "on" than "off" in the future. Tongue

PS. How good are Wendy's picture thingies!??!?

RE: Hallo!!! :) - Shay - 2011-11-14

Welcome to Surreal, Nathan! I'm a fellow computer networker as well; I'm guessing that's what you're going to school for?

Let us know if you have any questions and enjoy your stay! ^_^

RE: Hallo!!! :) - Witch - 2011-11-14

Hey and welcome! smile