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Why.. hello :o. - Printable Version

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Why.. hello :o. - Jakey - 2011-12-07

I was in this clan.. a good amount of time ago. Don't know if anyone remembers me. But thought I would drop by and say Hello ^^ Glad to see the clan is still up and running smile.

Would love to hear someone reply that would remember me/I would remember :3.

Gl to you all (: Miss a lot of you also :]!

RE: Why.. hello :o. - Meg - 2011-12-07

Hiya Jake, nice to see you back! I remember you :p

RE: Why.. hello :o. - Evaluate - 2011-12-07

I remember you, it's been a very long time! Good to see you stop by, how've you been?

RE: Why.. hello :o. - Downfall - 2011-12-07

Hey Jake! Good to see you stop by. How have you been these days? It's been a while smile

RE: Why.. hello :o. - Ava - 2011-12-07



RE: Why.. hello :o. - Jakey - 2011-12-07

Hi Meg, Evaluate, Ava, and Downfall.

I have been good, Thanks smile. Just ya'know been scapeing xD.

and Yes, It has been a while :3!

How have you all been? Biggrin

& Meg; Congrats on the Max cape smile.

RE: Why.. hello :o. - AlchemyHawk - 2011-12-07

I remember who you are. Biggrin
Hi there!

RE: Why.. hello :o. - Kun - 2011-12-07

I remember you as well! @_@

RE: Why.. hello :o. - Jakey - 2011-12-08

Possibly thinking about re-joining if ofc i'm welcome again. But I'm not sure yet but I miss, and love you all :3!

RE: Why.. hello :o. - AlchemyHawk - 2011-12-08

Ofc your welcome. Wub