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hello - haaki3 - 2011-12-26

Runescape Name:
Real-life name/nickname:
Describe yourself in one word: funny

What made you start playing runescape: i just started back in 2005 when a friend showed me the game
Favorite Movie:Transformers lol
Occupation: ???
Other language(s): nope
Hobbies/talents: skiing football/soccer

RE: hello - Daniii - 2011-12-26

hi haakiii!!! <3

RE: hello - Witch - 2011-12-26

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: hello - Wendy - 2011-12-27

[Image: hello-hi-11.gif]
and welcome

RE: hello - imfairy4u - 2011-12-27

hey haaki frienddddddd

RE: hello - Evaluate - 2011-12-27

Welcome to Surreal, Haaki, enjoy your stay! smile

RE: hello - Meg - 2011-12-27

Hiya and welcome to Surreal Biggrin Hope you enjoy it here smile

RE: hello - Bronagh - 2011-12-27

Hey there Håkon, welcome to Surreal Biggrin

RE: hello - TJPAB - 2011-12-27

Welcome to Surreal! Hope to see you around :]...You'll love it here!

RE: hello - Danny - 2011-12-27

Hey welcome to the forums smile You also might want to activate your forum account.