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Velits intro - Velits - 2012-10-15

Runescape Name: Velits
Real-life name/nickname: Tim / Velits-Tim, Lewandowski, Velits, DutchTim (IRC all of them)
Age: 21
Country: Holland
Describe yourself in one word: Random

What made you start playing runescape: A friend of mine introduced me to the game back in 2004. The first time I entered Wilderness was the best day of RS for me. Tho my interest have moved onto skilling which is one of the reasons I might want to join Surreal.
Favorite Movie: Dunno ;/
Occupation: I'm studying to become a master in Civil Engineering. More specific: I'll be able to design constructions of buildings, bridges and tunnels. Not the architectpart but the calculation part.
Other language(s): Dutch (native), English, French (learning)
Hobbies/talents: I love to play football (soccer for the Americans). I also do alot of other sports but not in a competetive way like I do with football. I also like to hang around with friends, play on my PS3 and go out.
I guess you could say a special talent of mine is that I can adapt to change very fast x)

If there is anything you would like to know, you can ask smile

RE: Velits intro - Danny - 2012-10-15

Welcome to Surreal, Tim. Nice introduction. smile

RE: Velits intro - Erin - 2012-10-15

hey Tim Biggrin Engineering is rough, but civil engineering..... I guess it's where the big bucks are!

Nice to meet you smile

RE: Velits intro - Meg - 2012-10-15

Welcome to Surreal Tim, hope you enjoy it here with us Biggrin

RE: Velits intro - RickySwift - 2012-10-15

Welcome Tim (:

RE: Velits intro - Dick - 2012-10-16

Welcome Tim. I hate change. -.-

RE: Velits intro - Wader - 2012-10-16

Welcome to Surreal, Tim

RE: Velits intro - old_jon - 2012-10-16

Welcome to Surreal, Tim. Bye

It's nice to have you with us. smile

I am interested to know what exactly happened that day in the wilderness. Did you kill another player? Did another player kill you? Did you go tenpin bowling? Wink

RE: Velits intro - Evaluate - 2012-10-16

Welcome to Surreal, Tim! Enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any questions! smile

RE: Velits intro - Velits - 2012-10-16

Thanks for the warm welcome smile

(2012-10-16 03:22:10)old_jon Wrote:  Welcome to Surreal, Tim. Bye

It's nice to have you with us. smile

I am interested to know what exactly happened that day in the wilderness. Did you kill another player? Did another player kill you? Did you go tenpin bowling? Wink

Well, I didn't literally enter wilderness right away but after I leveled a bit. I think I got like 10 kills straight before dying for the first time so that gave somewhat of a kick :p. I might have never been a PKer if I would have died in my first fight.
I've always been the sort of PVPer who was respecting the rules of honor and didn't flame. Because of that, and because I was kinda good at PKing I enjoyed it alot.
As for now the wilderness is full with mainly unmature people which isn't worth spending my time on.