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Some things about me - Printable Version

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Some things about me - Pitufo - 2010-11-11

Runescape Name: Don Pitufo
Real-life name/nickname: Ruben/Rex
Age: 17
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: chill

What got you started playing Runescape?: I started playing runescape when I was in 6th grade, my brother and I went to the library and I saw his friend playing RuneScape and asked him what it was. I started an account then and there (not this one) and at first I didn't like it, in fact I stopped playing for 5 months and then I got on, having forgotten my password to theblackni0, I created this account. Since April 2005, I've been off and on.Paladin
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Occupation: I work as a cashier at a grocery store
Other language(s): Spanish, French
Hobbies/talents: [Edit: not appropriate]

RE: Some things about me - Tay - 2010-11-12

Welcome Ruben!

Fight club is also one of my favourite movies. Wub

I hope you enjoy your time here at Surreal!

RE: Some things about me - Krady - 2010-11-12

Saw you in clan smile EXCELLENT STATS *bows down to you*

Welcome to Surreal Wub

RE: Some things about me - Pitufo - 2010-11-12

Thanks Tay and Krady, so far so good!

RE: Some things about me - Frosty - 2010-11-13

Good to see another "chill" introduction. Welcome to Surreal mate, hope to see you stick around smile

RE: Some things about me - Meg - 2010-11-14

Oh i completely missed this intro - welcome to Surreal Pitufo Biggrin

RE: Some things about me - Flying fruit - 2010-11-14

We're gonna have to talk fight club sometime that is all time favorite movie!

RE: Some things about me - Pitufo - 2010-11-14

thanks guys Wub and sure thing Fruit!

RE: Some things about me - Jerome - 2010-11-15

Chillin like a villain!

I've talked to you a few times, you're a cool guy. Fight Club is one of my all time favorite movies, too. The book is great and the author is one of my favorites. Good to know that little bit about you

RE: Some things about me - prysionero - 2010-12-01

Hola Ruben, arriva las chivas. =)