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Introduce Yourself - Printable Version

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Introduce Yourself - Dr Cassandra - 2013-02-05

Dr Beautiful

real life name/nickname: Cassandra, but I would prefer Doc or Cassey

Describe: Amazing
My hubby showed me when we were engaged,
Favorite Movies: I have so many.
Occupation: Neurosurgeon,D.O and few other high level degrees, but right now i'm a stay@ mother.
Languages: French,German,Latin,Korean,Chinese,Japanese,Dutch,Russian,Danish,Iranian,English,Spanish.

Hobbies/Talents: I love being home with my hubby and our daughter Jessica, I also loved my career as a doctor, it made me wake up ready to take on anything the Er could throw against

RE: Introduce Yourself - Josh - 2013-02-05

Welcome smile

RE: Introduce Yourself - old_jon - 2013-02-05

AMG! You're too smart for runescape and our clan!!!! Joking Lol

Welcome to Clan Surreal, Cassey. Bye

I hope you enjoy your time with us and I look forward to hopefully catching up with you in clan chat.

I'm soon to be a part-time (albeit for a short time) stay@ father, so it would be good to compare notes. Grin

Regarding your languages, what?!?! No Swahili?!? Ni wewe mbaya?!?

RE: Introduce Yourself - Killians - 2013-02-05

Well hello there. Glad you found your way arpund the site.
Welcome to surreal. =)

RE: Introduce Yourself - Meg - 2013-02-05

Welcome to Surreal Cassey, hope you enjoy it here with us Biggrin

RE: Introduce Yourself - RickySwift - 2013-02-05


RE: Introduce Yourself - Smokey9114 - 2013-02-05


RE: Introduce Yourself - Lexy - 2013-02-05


RE: Introduce Yourself - Downfall - 2013-02-05

Welcome to Surreal, Cassandra smile Really respect your occupation!

RE: Introduce Yourself - Evaluate - 2013-02-06

Welcome to Surreal, Cassey! We sure do have a lot of Doctors in this clan now Biggrin

Enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any questions smile