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Hey!~ - Printable Version

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Hey!~ - Giggley - 2013-04-24

Runescape Name: Giggley
Real-life name/nickname: Diana or Dee smile
Age: I am 18! Biggrin
Country: I'm from Aussiee. Oi, Oi, Oi!
Describe yourself in one word: not very Ninjaful

What made you start playing runescape: A group of friends when I was still in Primary School told me to try out this game, at first I didn't understand it one bit, so I quit for a year or two. Came back and played till now.
Occupation: Manager at McDonalds
Other language(s): Vietnamese
Hobbies/talents: I don't really have any. Shok it changes every so often, lol.

RE: Hey!~ - AlchemyHawk - 2013-04-24

Welcome to Surreal Giggley! smile
Oh no, not another Aussie!

RE: Hey!~ - Oberst - 2013-04-24

Welcome to Surreal, Dee!

Very ninjaful of you to cheat in the one-word description. ;p

RE: Hey!~ - Blur - 2013-04-24

Haha, hey Di!
She's a friend of mine, hopefully joining up Tongue

RE: Hey!~ - Michael - 2013-04-24

Hey Diana. Welcome to Surreal forums!

The dominance of Aussies is strong Paladin Yahoo

RE: Hey!~ - Jordan - 2013-04-24

Hey Diana, welcome!

RE: Hey!~ - Turmzy - 2013-04-24

Aww G'day mate! Biggrin

RE: Hey!~ - Cassie - 2013-04-24

Hey there! if you're as giggly as I am, we will be good friends!

RE: Hey!~ - Jos - 2013-04-24

Welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hey!~ - Chris J Y - 2013-04-24

welcome to surreal Diana, hope you enjoy it here as much as i do.