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Hey hi hullo ! - Printable Version

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Hey hi hullo ! - Orion - 2013-07-17

Runescape Name: English Lit/Romancing
Real-life name/nickname: Orion/Ori/O
Age: 19
Country: America
Describe yourself in one word: Laidback

What made you start playing runescape: All my friends were playing it in the fifth grade and I was like why not, hehe.
Favorite Movie: So many though, Take the Lead, Moulin Rouge, Iron Man, V for Vendetta, all four of the Ocean's films, I really like movies, bahaha.
Occupation: Unemployed currently, but I used to teach dance !
Other language(s): Vietnamese, a little bit of Spanish, bahaha.
Hobbies/talents: I dance, write and play a lot of video games, bahaha. I also really like to take walks and music is pretty cool as well.

RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Ava - 2013-07-17

Hey, welcome to Surreal smile
Love your RS name!

RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Oberst - 2013-07-17


Teach me dancing because I clearly need lessons. Sad

Enjoy your stay!

RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Killians - 2013-07-17

Dont let Phil scare you away.

RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Angus - 2013-07-17

Hello, welcome to Surreal smile

RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Liz - 2013-07-17

Hi and welcome smile

RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Jordan - 2013-07-17

Hi there Ori!

RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Evaluate - 2013-07-17

Hello there, Orion! Welcome to Surreal! Enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any questions. smile

RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Lexy - 2013-07-18


RE: Hey hi hullo ! - Wader - 2013-07-18

Welcome to Surreal smile