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Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Printable Version

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Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Tay - 2013-08-01

After unfortunately resigning from Surreal just under 5 months ago (due to a hectic real life schedule, and a dwindling interest in RuneScape), I've decided to re-apply and return to the clan I like to call home <3 Since the introduction of RS3, I've been enjoying the game a lot more, and I've finally got my real life commitments sorted to the point where I'm confident that I can commit the time required to being an active contributor to the clan.

I figured that since I've had a fairly long time out of Surreal and RuneScape, it would be a good opportunity to create another introduction about myself so that all of the newer members of Surreal are able to get a little bit of insight into me, and it gives me the chance of meeting all of the newer faces myself!

So without further adieu, let's get down to the basics! My name is Tay (or Taylor) and I live in Perth, Australia. I'm currently 20 years old and studying at university full-time. I'm 2 and a half years into my study and I have a year and a half remaining before I can graduate (finally). I work part-time at a gym, which helps to pay the bills, although by the end of the year I'll probably be looking to shift into a job that's a bit more focused towards my line of study. I've got an amazing girlfriend who I've been with for a year and a half now, and when I'm not spending time with her, I'm usually studying, playing RuneScape, working out at the gym, or hanging with my mates.

I've been playing RuneScape actively (on and off) since about 2005, although I created my first account back in 2002. My RuneScape account is named Tayze and I'm near maxed, with Dungeoneering being the only skill I'm yet to finish (currently level 102). My favourite RuneScape past time would most definitely be questing, and I've always been a skiller at heart (massive PvP/PvM noob!) I joined Surreal back in October 2010, and if my re-application is accepted I guess that would make me the longest standing member (ugh, I'm an oldy) after our fearless leader Jordan <3 I've made so many friends from this clan over the years, but I'm still always eager to meet new friends and interact with as many members as possible so please feel free to send me a PM if you'd like to chat some time!

Anyway that's enough ramble for one afternoon.. If anyone has any questions, fire away, otherwise I can't wait to get to know all of the new members and hopefully rekindle friendships with some of the older members.

<3 Tay

RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Jos - 2013-08-01

Where to put this.... HELLO IRC

RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Shawn - 2013-08-01

yay Welcome back smile

RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Joseph - 2013-08-01



RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Angus - 2013-08-01

Tay, the #m8 crew is back in action once again. I've missed you pal, and I'm glad you've rejoined <3

RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - AlchemyHawk - 2013-08-01

So happy right now! Yahoo
Welcome back Tay, you gave been missed. Wub Wub

RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Bug - 2013-08-01

Hey der, where's ur purple? JK lol

Always good to see people rejoining smile

RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Evaluate - 2013-08-01

Welcome back, Tay! Biggrin

RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - old_jon - 2013-08-02

Rekindles freindship with one Mr Taylor, sir.

Welcome back. Good

RE: Sorry y'all, I'm back! <3 - Linspire - 2013-08-02

Welcome Back Biggrin