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my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Printable Version

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my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Witch - 2013-08-04

Hey its good to be back, for those who don't know me my names Jodie and I'm 23, I was in surreal some months ago and was stupid for leaving because I thought the clan was going downhill. This time I know that even if it ever where to then I would still not want to go anywhere! I am sure Surreal will always pull through anyway! smile

Look forward to meeting all the new people that I haven't met yet and catching up with all my old friends who I missed so much! Wub

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Killians - 2013-08-04

Jodie <3

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Dreggstar - 2013-08-04

Helllo Witchy smile

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - old_jon - 2013-08-05

Yay! Very nice to see you back hun! Wub

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Witch - 2013-08-05

Thank you people! smile

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Downfall - 2013-08-05

Welcome back, Jodie smile Surreal is here to stay! We're not going anywhere.

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Witch - 2013-08-05

I'm just sorry for running when things got bad, TBE will never feel right to me like Surreal does! smile

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Evaluate - 2013-08-06

Glad to see you've found your way back to us smile

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Exbajalator - 2013-08-06

Wb Jodie smile

RE: my intro to the ones who do not know me! - Ava - 2013-08-06

Psshh it's definitely going downhill! Get out while you still can! @@@ *steals all the cookies*

Glad you're back ma'am Wub